Chapitres de livres

  • Choukèr A, Baatout S, Campolongo P, Frippiat JP, Gopalakrishnan J, Kaufma I, Montano N, Praun S, de Quervain D, Roozendaal B, Schelling G, Thiel M, Thieme D, Viola A.U. Entering a new era of holistic research in establishing groundwork for future human space exploration – perspectives from the Topical Team “Stress and Immunity” Chapter 3 Elsevier Editorial System Accepted
  • Gabel V., Viola A.U., L'effet du simulateur d'aube sur notre organisme-The dawn simulation light effect on our organism. Elsevier Editorial System; Médecine du Sommeil. Ms. No. MSOM-D-14-00018R1
  • Chellappa S.L., Viola A.U., Mongrain V., Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder: Genetic and Environmental Factors. Encyclopedia of Sleep. Kushida Science (Eds). Elsevier Science & Technology. 2013.
  • Brandenberger G and Viola AU. Autonomic nervous system activity during sleep in humans. In: Neuroendocrine correlates of sleep/wakefulness S.R. Pandi-Perumal et D. Cardinali (Eds), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. Sept 2005

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Viola Antoine

Docteur en Neurobiologie


+33 6 85 31 32 56